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Early childhood education

During my junior year of High School I interned- for an entire school year- at Lanier Elementary. I began each day by teaching grammar and writing. I taught the students how to structure essays, how to write sufficient papers, and how to apply accurate grammar to a writing piece. I met with students each week and conferenced with them over their work, which was the most effective method when teaching this subject. 

At Lanier Elementary I focused on teaching math. I taught from Georgia Standards and I learned effective methods to teaching the subject. In the classroom I mainly focused on interactive work and group work. Students were split into three groups (strategically based off of their academic success) and rotated through three stations. Stations included instruction from myself, math games (such as pictured to the right), and worksheets. The group work was very effective because students were given the ability to seek assistance from myself, their main teacher, or their peers. 

During my time at Lanier Elementary I assisted in teaching an entire year of 5th grade standards. The standards focused on fractions, decimals, and algebra.  

Pictured to the right is a worksheet that I created during my internship. The worksheet revolved around multiplication and mastering the vocabulary of multiplication. 

While teaching math I really emphasized the memorization of multiplication facts. The class that I taught had the lowest academic success, which resulted in my mentor and I having to be creative to capture their attention and (hopefully) raise their academic success. I taught the students multiplication songs for integers 2-12. The songs are a superb way to reinforce the facts so that they could apply them to fractions and algebra. 

I participated in a club known at "Future Georgia Educators (FGE)". FGE taught me effective ways to maintain a career in the education field. I learned the rules and state laws that were associated with teaching, along with the requirements. The club allowed for me to go to a University of North Georgia (UNG) campus and learn effective work ethic and job application skills.

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